Buying Second Hand Gadgets

Many people keep wondering why on earth someone should buy a second hand gadget whiles technology is improving the features and performance of almost every new gadgets.
Well, it may be true that a lot of second hand gadgets lack some features that are being used by model gadgets in today’s world.
But, there are merits of buying second hand gadgets.
What I was thinking before I discovered the truth.
I was also not comfortable buying these second hand gadgets, not until I discovered the truth.
I just felt second hand gadgets are never the best and besides, they don’t have any warranty period.
Once you buy it and take it home, returning it would be difficult if you realized any fault on it.
You will then have to either repair it with extra money or discard it.
For all this, I will love to share some of my findings about the merits of buying second hand gadgets here.
Most of which might help some of us in deciding whether to patronize second hand gadgets more than brand new gadgets or vice versa.
#1 Less Costly
Whenever one decides to buy any gadget, one of the things that one look out for or thinks about is the cost of that gadget, after all, one looks at his/her budget before making a decision.
Second hand gadgets are less costly than brand new gadgets.
Beside if I could get a second hand Huawei Y220,in a good condition for $40 or $50, why will I ignore that and go for the same Huawei Y220 phone, brand new,with the same features, for $100 or $150.
Wouldn’t I have saved about 60% or 50% of my budget for that matter? This is a secret most people have discovered.
I believe my reader is thinking about this fact.
Give it a try, give buying of brand new gadgets up for a period of time and go for a second hand gadget to see how your budget will look like or how much will go into your savings account.
#2 No/Less Fear Of Value Depreciation
When you buy a brand new gadget (at an outrageous price), the fear of the gadget depreciation is higher than that of the second hand gadget.
Most first-hand gadgets depreciate easily within the first few months or years, so the owner loses interest in that gadget very easily and tend to search for a new one, unlike the second hand gadget.
But for a second hand gadget, you are already aware you are buying an already depreciated gadget so no needs for fear.
Secondly, most second hand gadgets look stronger or are stronger than the new ones and even last longer.
This is another merit of buying second hand gadget, DURABILITY.
#3 No or Less Restrictions
Everyone has the right and the power of choice, that is to choose what one desires.
If you have an eye for Nokia 3310 for example, you are not restricted to buying the latest Nokia brand.
It is not compulsory or mandatory to follow the crowd, but a choice to make. Most buyers of second hand gadgets do so to satisfy their desire.
#4 Safe to Use/Environmentally Safe
The rise of technology has helped man with new things coupled with the fact that new materials are erupting daily.
The bid to make life easier in a way is rather exposing life and health to various hazards.
Most gadgets that are erupting are manufactured with materials that are harmful to the health.
Previous phones like the Nokia 3310, has a low screen resolution and some of the latest phones have high lightning background and colours which imposes a great threat to the eyes, same applies to other gadgets.
Buying these phones which sound archaic are the ones that promise safety to life and most of them are manufactured with good materials as compared today.
In conclusion, I would say, buying second hand gadgets has a lot of merits of which I have mentioned a few.Or what do you think?